BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, November 11, 1755.
If the last eight years and the next four (eight?) will teach the American people anything, it should be that trading any amount of liberty for some security, no matter how much is promised, is a fool's endeavor. Unfortunately, it appears that the majority is still willing to turn over their liberties at an alarming rate any time some crisis occurs. The safety is no longer just protection from various enemies, both real and imagined, but from every negative aspect of human life. We now expect the government to protect us from being poor, to video games, to lifestyles that we disapprove of. Even when it comes to things that the government is supposed to protect us from, we are all to quick to give up our liberty in the name of "efficiency".
This was never more true then in the aftermath of 9/11 (with the possible exception of WWII). From the President to Congress to the people themselves, there was a cry for action. New departments were created and bills were passed that granted sweeping new police powers to various agencies both Federal and local. When questions were raised about the validity of these new powers, they were brushed aside. These new powers are here to help us! The 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th amendments just get in the way anyways. It's not like the government would abuse this power. Besides, we know that the government never abuses any of its powers.
The same can be said about the government "protecting" us from the woes of the economy. As the Federal Reserve and the Treasury print money, buy up "toxic" assets, and insert themselves more into the "free" market, the claim is that they are only protecting us. They are saving our retirements, or making sure that we can still get credit, or any other number of reasons. Never mind that this is coming at the cost of people paying punitive 90% taxes on their bonuses or the President firing CEOs. Those people aren't us and the government would never ever abuse this kind of power.
Every other thing that the government now "protects" us from has the same consequences. We are too lazy to make sure our children aren't watching t.v. or listening to music or playing video games that we find offensive so we turn to various government agencies to do it for us. We forget that when we give them the power to do this, it is them deciding what's indecent. For one administration that may be a curse word, but for another that may involve the Fairness Doctrine. Every time we secede power to the Federal Government, we are putting our fate in their hands. Even things that seem was benign as "Network Neutrality". We have many that want to turn to the government to protect us from the evil ISPs, but we don't see that it's just a door to regulation of the internet. They would never do that though, right?
Which government agencies are keeping our kids from watching TV or playing video games? They aren't doing a very good job...
ReplyDeleteThe FCC for television. As to video games nothing yet in spite of the government's best (and numerous) attempts.