Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Step in the Right Direction

On February 26, Representative Ron Paul (R-TX 14) introduced H.R. 1207, which will create transparency in the Federal Reserve by allowing congress to audit its actions. The bill is currently in the House Committee on Financial Services and has recently acquired 92 cosponsors. (The full bill and its status can be found here.) These cosponsors run the political gambit from far left to far right because people are finally waking up to the fact that the Federal Reserve cannot be allowed to operate freely any longer. Even if they have different reasons, from wanting to allow the free market to work unhindered again to simply being weary of an organization with that much unchecked power, Americans are beginning to call for some reigns on the Fed, if not its dismantling.

If you are an American citizen please contact your Representative (you can find out who they are here) and ensure that they are supporting and will continue to support this bill. If they are not a cosponsor yet, please write them and insist that they become one. There are also petitions and events in support of this bill which can be found at This is a small but very important step in reclaiming some of our control over the Federal Reserve. If we the people do not step up and demand that our employees (and their agents) be accountable for their actions, then there is little hope for this Republic. It is time that the American people know every cent that the Federal Reserve spends (prints) so that we can stop being run into these crises, which of course gives them more power. We cannot remove the Fed in one blow, but we can finally start to chip at it.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and the corporations will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." ~Thomas Jefferson


  1. Ron Paul is a joke.
    Why this legislation, and more importantly, why now? Mr. Paul has found an opening, the economic crisis. Instead of working on legislation to lower college costs or improve the quality of health care, Paul would rather "chip away" at an important govermental institution in hopes of eventaully eliminating the Fed. Then I guess we can let the private sector take over, sounds good to me! This legislation is nothing more than a stunt by a political has-been who will never rise above his meaningless House seat. And it is clear that he will never let that go after witnessing his quick re-entry into the 2008 race for the seat after failing to secure any meaningful traction in the Presidential race.

    President Obama's election proved something. It proved that Americans are tired of this type of garbage. Mr. Paul's lowly tactics of preying on these tough times are equal to President Bush's playing off the fears of many to rush us into war. Sure, Mr. Paul may have gathered all the wing-nuts, D and R, to co-sponsor his bill, but that ain't saying much. This bill is simply a waste of time which is being used to raise the profile of Mr. Paul among his "leigon" of web supporters. Well at least if Texas seceeds from the Union we won't have to hear from this blow-hard anymore.

  2. This legislation exists for one simple purpose; we can no longer allow the Federal Government, or its cronies, to run unfettered over us any longer. In the past 6 months the Bush/Obama administrations have given the authority to the Fed and the treasury to create trillions of dollars out of thin air, ensure that corporations could escape the ramifications of their horrid business practices, and saddle future generations of Americans with an inconceivable amount of debt.All of this without even letting us see how the money is being spent.

    The Fed should be torn down - it is not a vital government institution by any means. It is, and always has been, a private banking institution that has been given a monopoly on our currency and unlimited power from the government. Prior to this bill, it was unthinkable for Congress to even look at what these people are doing. The Federal Reserve system is the definition of corporatism - which also has far more sinister name.

    As to the election of Obama, the only thing that was proven is that the American people are fantastically gullible. Outside of the scope in which he is consolidating power in the Federal Government and spending us into oblivion, there is not one substantive difference between he and Bush. All he has done is put a new coat of paint on the same policies that got us into this mess in the first place.

  3. I too think Ron Paul is a joke, but I have no problem with transparency.

  4. A joke that just happens to be right about almost everything...

    As an aside this is for the two of you:

