Thursday, April 16, 2009

On Tea Parties and Astro-Turfing

Congratulations MSNBC, you got something right, well at least partially. The current "Tea Party" phenomenon does indeed reek of Republican astro-turfing. This is yet another way that the Republican big-wigs are keeping their followers angry at someone else and not them. The party leaders and talking heads of AM radio want to keep their sheep from noticing that the very policies they supported very recently are the ones that they are outraged over now. As long as the focus stays on "them", the Republicans can continue business as usual. Republicans have realized that it is much easier (and more lucrative for them) to talk the talk as opposed to walking the walk.

What the parrots at MSNBC missed though is that there were actual grass roots tea party movements throughout the Bush presidency. The are still many libertarian and small government types that protest government excess and idiocy no matter what the party in power happens to be. They are the people that the Republicans were calling "kooks" while Bush was spending the United States into the poor house. They are the people the Republicans blamed for McCain's loss to Obama (in spite of the fact that if McCain had ALL of the third party/write in votes with his he still would have lost). They are also the people that will continue to stand against our run away government no matter what letter happens to follow the Presidents name.

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